Is Israel An Occupier?
The following is a transcript from my series of videos on instagram called the_war_for_israel. Please follow, like, share, on Instagram if you’re active. Thanks!
What do people mean when they call Israel an “occupier?” Are they referring to the West Bank, where it’s true, or to Israel itself where it’s not true?
The word “occupier” means something specific. It refers to the victorious side of the war, and their administrative presence in the defeated country’s territory.
Think of Japan or Germany after the Second World War. They were occupied by the Allies until they were pacified. Douglas MacArthur wrote the new Japanese constitution himself and then went home. That occupation lasted for 7 years.
An occupation always lasts until the occupier is certain the enemy has stopped fighting. The Geneva Conventions say this:
“In the case of occupied territory, the application of the present Convention shall cease one year after the general close of military operations.”
If they stay longer than that, they are not an occupier, they are a conqueror. But what if the military operations don’t end?
So let’s talk about the West Bank.
Israel was attacked from the West Bank in 1967. That’s why they occupy it now. Attacks have continued to this day, and the Palestinian Authority still pays money to people for killing Jews, including the recent October 7 terrorists. You can see the line item in their budget. $300 million every year to terrorists or their families. If that’s not a continuing military operation, what is?
We are not talking about settlements, which is a related but different issue. We are talking about the occupation of the West Bank. Take a look at a map, and at how close the West Bank is to Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and Ben Gurion Airport.
Israel cannot trust the Palestinian Authority as long as they pay for attacks on civilians. You want to stop the occupation? Stop murdering Jews.
Don’t be fooled.